Sunday, October 26, 2008

Feeding the Best to Your Dog

Over the years I have tried all sorts of dog foods. When I was a novice I would feed just dog biscuit and canned food. Now I have learned better.

My vet recommended when my Labrador was suffering from kidney problems to cut out nearly all protein. This surprised me because I though that dogs were carnivores. He explained that the kidneys process protein and when they are weak feeding protein makes them more likely to fail. So he was fed on a special diet biscuit to support his kidneys and raw vegetables.

Since then I have always made a point of feeding vegetables to my dogs. Now there have been all of the health scares with the proprietary brands, my Ben rarely gets ready-made food, he has people food.. I give him olive oil every day, a probiotic yoghurt and he loves his raw carrots.

Typical Ben meals are fish and vegetables, chicken stew and minced beef with vegetables, all served with rice or potatoes. Now I don't know what the experts would say about his diet, but he looks pretty healthy to me, and although he has a rough coat, it shines like silk.

I have just been investigating a few sites and I have found another that looks interesting, please see what you think by clicking the link.

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