Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rescue Dogs, Puppies and Much More.

If you are reading this, I can be almost 100 per cent sure that you like dogs, or at least have an interest in them. I like dogs, in fact, I adore them. Big, small , hairy or fluffy I think that they are great.

I have owned dogs for many years, or should that be the other way around? There was only one that I raised from a puppy, and that was Jack, a Yellow Lab. I really did not know a lot about Labradors, except they were used as Gun Dogs, were extremely gentle and good with children, and advertised toilet rolls. So, here I was with this cute little thing, with chunky legs, an unsteady gait and big brown eyes. (bit like my ex actually, but without the cute factor).

I read all that I could on toilet training, obedience and diet. I need to add that what Labs think they should eat, and what they actually should eat are total opposites. Apart from the normal dog food, and treats, Jacks diet consisted of, shoes, slippers, any sort of paper, kids toys, skirting boards, walls, doors, garden and house plants, and of course cat poo.

The training went very well too, in theory that is. Jack would sit, stay, lie down and come when called, he would also walk to heel off the lead. Excellent, I am sure you are thinking. Problem was, Jack only did these things when he felt like it, the rest of the time, he was a disobedient, unruly hooligan, and remained so until just before he died. Apparently, this Peter Pan quality in Labradors is fairly common, I just wish that I had known about it at the time.

I just wished that there had been some help available. Nowadays, it would be easy. Dog training classes, behavioural specialists, dog whisperers, there is just so much help out there. That is where it becomes confusing though, there is so much advice now, that it can be hard to decide which method to choose.

It is often difficult to take time out of a busy schedule, to take our dogs to classes. People who come to the house are often extremely good, but they are very expensive too, so I thought that I would research other ways. Most suitable for my lifestyle, is the information available on the internet in the form of training manuals. Of course, these things rarely come for free, and I dont want to spend money on something that does not work, so I had a good look around.

One of the ones that really"jumped out", is a training system by a guy called Daniel Stevens. What I noticed first of all, was his 60 day money back guarantee. I also like the idea of getting the information straight away, instead of the often lengthy wait for items to arrive in the post. If you have never downloaded books or manuals, I can assure you that it is very easy, if I can do it anybody can.

I like his down to earth approach, and the fact that he does not promise miracles, like some. If you read some of the testimonials, you will see what I mean, they all state there have been big improvements with their dogs, but nobody is talking about miracles.

Daniel often offers discounts, and he uses Clickbank for accepting payments, which is extremely secure. Please click the link to have a look at Daniel's site, if it is not for you, WATCH THIS SPACE, I am in the process of checking out a few more. Click Here

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